Welcome to my fairy world

please note that all the images and creations on this blog are covered with copyright mark, so don't USE them without my permission or COPY them. Thank you.

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(c) Copyright

it says the rabbit too (lo dice anche il coniglio ^_^):

it says the rabbit too (lo dice anche il coniglio ^_^):


venerdì 29 aprile 2011

the making of little Flora! I wanted to share it with who loves her....(il making della piccola Flora! desideravo condividerlo con chi ama Flora)

about me, the making of an artistic creature is very important, I wish is the same for all of you :)
wish you a fantastic day!

secondo me, il making di un'opera artistica quando non è ancora stata completata è molto importante, spero sia lo stesso per voi :)
a tutti auguro una fantastica giornata

in the last pic you can see the little face of my beloved Momo (a little fairy bunny that stay with me ^_^)

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